How The Corporate World Increases Anxiety & Self Doubt?

Leena Arjun K
2 min readApr 24, 2021

Working in the corporate world for more than three years, there is one common factor that I have experienced, you can never be too good for any brand.

Working in the content field, every time I join a brand as a writer, there is always a statement regarding the content submitted. Either you're too casual for the brand or you need to change all the simple words into fancy statements.

If I am not wrong isn’t our work supposed to be simple and followed with one aim, to serve our customers?

How can writing fancy make a prospect buy from a brand? Wouldn’t the prospect first try to understand what the brand is all about?

This isn’t the case with just my field, I have seen other forms of job profile feel the heat. The corporate world doesn’t realize that the moment you say that your previous work isn’t worth it or not that great indirectly, your words have pierced through the mind, heart, soul, and talent of the person.

Sometimes these doubts just push the skilled person to think twice about its ability. Is it necessary?

We speak about changes in the organization, we speak about better growth yet we hire a talented person and make them follow your principles. I understand well that each brand is different but don’t you think that maybe you can adapt to what the talented human is capable of?

You know at times, I have multiple breakdowns and anxiety attacks and in all that one thing rotates in my mind, am I even capable? Even I perform better, the brand has decided to say that I need to work better.

The corporate world has rules set for each business but it's 2021, can’t we get a bit more experimental? Maybe try out the person’s process of work and see the results?

It is difficult to hear when someone says you need to work better or you need a whole room of improvement, instead, why can’t we say that you’re learning faster, why not try this way, or maybe that’s a good improvement, let’s move in this pace.

Corporates need to give time, understand and experiment with their new joinees. Take an outlook from a person who has the experience and adapt that to the business.

What do you think?

Have you too experienced the same?



Leena Arjun K

Words are her best friend as she writes every content with empathy and a piece of her soul. This talent helps her express her mind when actions fall short.