Forgiveness: An Underrated But Powerful Weapon 0f 2021

Forgiveness in an era where modern digital solutions have replaced every action is difficult.
The current world we live in demands us to love ourselves first and trash talk about people who caused misery in our lives.
When we think of it in this way, this latter statement seems to be the better escape.
But have you noticed that despite us doing all this, why aren’t we still in peace?
Why do we still have those flashbacks, memories, curse words on my lips when we think of it?
The main reason for this to appear is a lack of forgiveness.
Forgiveness is an underrated terminology.
Our egos cross our path when we think about it because who will forgive or forget a person who caused us misery our whole life or one part of our life, isn’t it?
It’s time to see the bigger picture, ‘’when we forgive, we provide us the opportunity to move on, grow and live happily.’’
You see the power of forgiveness is huge, when we unsubscribe our emotions to the person we hate the most, their thoughts in our mind start to fade away, even if they pop up in our minds, we can easily divert our attention without feeling any emotions of anger or any uncomfort.
I understand that forgiving isn’t easy, but if you want to heal with the right mind, this is great. This will not happen overnight, but if you are willing it will happen with time.
There is no point holding on to the people who bring us down, it’s time to move away from such environments and live your life just the way you like.
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