5 Ways To Make Your Work From Home Less DreadFul

The pandemic led everyone even the people-friendly crowd to sit at home.
While some appreciated the comfort and convenience, there are a few who still dread the experience.
The reason being, ‘Who wants to stay at home, it’s not a place to work’? or ‘Work from home is utter laziness, nothing can come out of it’.
Working from home for the past 3 years of my career, I can confidently say that it has changed my life. It has brought the right balance to my personal and professional life. In fact, when I started, I dreaded it so much but with time, I realized that it isn’t as bad as you think.
If you’re like me, you’ll understand the struggle, which is why I have shared the top ways to make your work from home experience a little less dreadful.
- Avoid the bed
Our bed is our comfort place and while we are already living in a comfortable work environment, let’s not make it more comfortable. Switch to sitting on a desk or working at the dining table or even better laying out a mattress on your balcony and working. When you sit on a bed and work, you’ll have the tendency to slouch a little and then finally getting into the corpse pose.
2. Take frequent breaks
If you’re going to sit in one place for hours, your body becomes stiff and you will dread to rework again. Instead, time your work or task to be completed in a certain time and have your breaks after that. This will freshen your mind, ease your stress levels and help you see your work for the day in a better light.
3. Eliminate technology whilst working
Technology whether it is in a form of a smartphone or a play station or a big screen tv keeps it away till you complete your work. These work well as distractions which will then compel you to not complete your work thus blaming the whole work from home process. Keep them away!
4. Say ‘No’ to more work
In your career, the more tasks and work you complete the better impression you create amongst your CEO and your peers. But what you fail to understand that in the long run, this impression will not help you. When you’ve assigned work for the day complete it or work for an extra hour, but never work 24/7 just to get it done. Work from home is frowned upon as the balance of personal life and professional are weighing wrongly. Prioritize work but at the same time, your personal life also requires a priority. Learn to balance it.
5. Exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes
Exercise is perfect to release the trapped tension in your body and mind due to work. Exercise doesn't have to be rigorous, you could slow walk, dance, skip or cycle or do anything that you like. The purpose here is to cleanse your stress and keep your mind and body healthy.
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